"One day your children will look for photos of you, what will they find?"
“Through a Mother’s & Father’s Eyes” - Photo contest & Photo Festival
Molenstraat 18 A
2513BK 's-Gravenhage
The Netherlands
KvK 68660642 BTW NL448038092B01
Graduated as a technician of art with the specialty of arranging exhibitions at the State High School of Fine Arts in Bydgoszcz, Poland,
Anna Ajtner never stopped evolving herself. In 1993 she continued with Artistic Pedagogy at the Fine Arts Faculty of Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun, where she eventually got her Master’s Degree in painting. Nowadays, Ajtner works as an autonomous artist who creates visual narratives with the help of painting, photography and video.
I started my education in this field in the years 1989 – 1993 at the State High School of Fine Arts in Bydgoszcz (Poland) and I gained there the title of technician of art, with the specialty of arranging exhibitions. In the years 1993 – 1998 I studied artistic pedagogy at the Fine Arts Faculty of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland). There I graduated and I got my Master’s Degree in painting in 1998. After the graduation I
developed my artistic activity in the fields of painting, photography and video.
Since 2016, I have been running a business associated with photography and fine art galleries in the
Netherlands. We organize exhibitions, workshops, festival and competitions.
Annie Leibowitz Masterclass, Sue Bryce Educations, Paulina Duczman Masterclass,
Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk /pro education/
Ik begon mijn opleiding op dit gebied in de jaren 1989 - 1993 aan de Staats Hogeschool voor Schone Kunsten in Bydgoszcz (Polen) en ik kreeg daar de titel van technicus van de kunst, met als specialiteit het organiseren van tentoonstellingen. In de jaren 1993 - 1998 studeerde ik artistieke pedagogiek aan de faculteit Beeldende Kunst van de Nicolaus Copernicus Universiteit in Torun (Polen). Daar studeerde ik af en in 1998 behaalde ik mijn masterdiploma schilderkunst. Na het afstuderen ontwikkelde ik mijn artistieke activiteiten op
het gebied van schilderkunst, fotografie en video.
Important Exhibitions:
2012 - BWA Bydgoszcz Poligonum/Poland
2012 - Polish Art Festival Limerick/Ireland
2012 - FineLife Warszawa/Poland
2012 - Galeria ZPAF Warszawa/Poland
2013 - Series exhibitions : Through a Mother’s Eyes /Poland
2015 -2016 Fotofever Paris/France
2017 - Silver Medal and Expo on International Photo Festiwal in Overpelt/Belgie
2017 - Exhibition in Paris/France
2017 - Exhibition in Amsterdam/Netherlands
2017 - GUP Magazine - Exhibition Dutch Photo Talent
2018 - Amsterdam/Netherlands
2019 - F R E S H E Y E S Book - The First European Photography Talent Book /first edition!/
Photo Basel & Photo-festival at Arles - France
2019 - Amsterdam International Art Fair
2019 - Fotofever/Paris
Child Photo Competition - winner 1st place 2014
Child Photo Competition winner 1st & 3th place
2016 ToDobryKurs - winner 1st place 2017
Silver Medal and Expo on International Photo Festiwal in Overpelt/Belgie
WERKDRUCK No. 43 - Anna Ajtner Editor: Jock Sturges, Galerie Vevais - Berlin - Publisher
- Alexander Scholz
New Dutch Photo Talent Book 2018
2019 - F R E S H E Y E S Book - The First European Photography Talent Book /first
edition!/ Photo Basel & Photo-festival at Arles - France
MAD WORLD MOVIE - Publisher & Editor: Karsten Wolf 2018
For 10 years I have been implementing my own photographic project with my own daughter who, as you can see, is my faithful model.
This wonderful cooperation resulted in numerous successes in the photographic field.
Our work was appreciated by Photo Vogue, the international photo festival "Lens op de mens" in Belgium where we won the second prize.
We also won the first prize twice and once we took 3rd place in the International Black&White Child Photo Competition.
Our works are in private collectors' resources around the world.
Our photographic works were selected also by Jock Sturges for a unique collection of books published in the WERKDRUCK No. 43 project by the Vevais Gallery in Berlin - where we appeared in the company of such names as Alain Laboile and Jackline Roberts.
It was our great adventure and of course a great honor to participate together in such events as fotofever in Paris.
We have been exhibited many times at post-competition exhibitions and festivals in Poland, the Netherlands and France.
Our works are published in books and many other publications.
However, the most important prize for us and above all for me is the fact that we have been implementing our project for many years and we are a perfect team. My daughter Sandra - shows all her hidden talents in this project.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to implement this project with my own daughter.
This is a great way to forge wonderful ties between us.
From this place there is a huge thank you to all who support our work and our joint photographic project and we will be grateful for the continuation that gives us a wing and is inspiring.
Thanks to our joint photographic project, Sandra was able to record her debut CD, in which she sang the first songs in the studio,
and my photos became the covers of the released albums. In addition, we created common graphics for the clothing collection and together we recorded videoclip.
We are open to all cooperation and new projects.
AJTNER FINE ART GALLERY /2016, 2017, 2018, 2019/
arranging workshops & exhibition/ session - portret photo’s
The Rosinenbomber - Rosinenbomber Publishing
/2017, 2018, 2019 /
Rosinenbomber Production
Design, Art Director,
/cover CD, movie, videoclip, portret photography, social media, product photo’s, webshop/
Candy Productions 2018/2019 - cover CD
movie, videoclip, portret photography, social media, product photo’s
FOOTY.NL /2017,2018,2019/
sport photography
PHOTOWORKSHOPS with Paulina Duczman
/2018/ - host, portret photography
Through a Mother’s Eyes - Founder - Contests & Photo Festival
/Arranging photofestival, exhibitions & photo competitions -
Through a Mother's & Father’s Eyes Photography - jury, host, promotions, social media,/
"Through a mother's eyes photography"
The title of this exhibition comes from the name of an international photo group.
The group was established 2013 and is still growing. It was created for the purpose of an exhibition which travelled Poland.
The creator and curator of the exhibition was Anna Ajtner and of course the mothers who contributed their photographs.
Since its beginning the group has been exclusively represented by photographing mothers who record and interpret their child's childhood. The authors are often the winners of prestigious photographic prizes.
There are over 3000 (!) active photographers from all over the world
at "Through a mother's eyes photography".
Actually, from the very beginning of my activity I wished to open my own art gallery and take part together with a professional artistic group / mainly photographers photographing family life - childhood, motherhood or fatherhood / in the biggest photographic events in Europe and in the world. That is why we are constantly looking for new solutions for running art galleries of this type.
We were able to appear at the Amsterdam International Art Fair and in the same year at fotofever in Paris.
We are a group of highly active and ambitious artists (mainly photographers).
Our exhibition and promotional plan is constantly evolving and that's why we are looking for art lovers, sponsors, donors and collectors to support our artistic activity.
You can contact the gallery for more details or fund our account by pressing this button (Donation!).
We are also open to any opportunity to establish cooperation and help in achieving our goals.
Our goal is to promote and sell good photography and to help young artists cooperating with our gallery.
We will also be happy to cooperate with talented and creative artists from the fields of visual arts such as photography or video
but also traditional painting or sculpture.
Thank you!
Vogue Italia,
Shot Magazine, DIGIPHOTO/PRO.NL, Equilife WORLD,The Imaginatium, FullFrame,
National Geographic...
http:// www.vogue.it/photovogue/portfolio/?id=47
https://fotostudio-eindhoven.nl/2017/03/13/workshops-anna-ajtner-fotografie-bij-fotostudio- eindhoven-nl/
"...One of the things that draws me to a new artist is evidence of something I think of as creative frenzy. An artist thus engaged resembles nothing quite so much as a pot vigorously boiling over.
When this is evident over a long time-span it becomes clear that the work owns the artist as opposed to the artist being in control.
In the worst of cases this phenomenon can be exhausting and pernicious, but, in the best, transcendent and joyful.
What’s most important though is that in such cases the sheer volume of the work so practices the hand and the eye and heart behind, that the work inevitably becomes more and more refined.
This elevates the effort to a rare degree.
Anna is such a one – joyful and passionate.
I’ve been aware of her work for several years now and I realised early on that her photography owned her completely.
She produces new images in volume almost every single day and often posts them only lightly edited.
Thus the structure of her shoots and the thought processes behind them and the models’ evolving participation in each of them are there to see – interesting reading in every case.
Anna was educated in the State High School of Fine Arts in Bydgoszcz, Poland with an emphasis on curatorial sciences.
She went on to receive a masters degree in painting at the Fine Arts Faculty of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.
She has since pursued a career organising and curating art exhibits (including her own)
and teaching art and photography to all ages of children.
Importantly, three years after the birth of her second child, the family moved to a very rural area in central western Poland.
This pastoral context was perfect for raising children and for photographing them as well. It is thus no surprise that in a number of her pictures we see her daughter appearing to have sunk into and almost become part of the earth.
Her beauty and the natural world that surrounds and supports her resonate with an other-worldly harmony.
Annaʼs images are intimate, playful, passionate and relentlessly
beautiful – as fine a collaboration as I have seen in some time.
I have every suspicion that this small book is just the first in a continuing series.
Here the story begins but there is so much more to come."
Jock Sturges Antwerpen, 2014
“MAD WORLD MOVIE started with just one photograph. In summer 2016 we had recorded the song „Mad World“ with The Rosinenbomber. Looking for a cover photo
for the CD, I came across that black & white photograph from Anna Ajtner showing her
daughter Sandra wearing those old fashioned Halcyon (TM) goggles. It fit very well to the retro sound of the band and that particular song. So I asked Anna for permission to use the photo for the cover, and when the CD was publis- hed, mother and daughter liked it, and so did our fans.
After New Year 2017 we spoke with Sandra’s Mama about making a music video together with Sandra where she would play those parts in the song about children, school and dreams. None of us had done such a project before, so one can say it was a „start-up“ for both sides. The script of the movie (as we called the video from now on) was rather rough with a lot of space, and in Febru- ary we started filming the school, birthday and toy plane scenes in Holland. Then followed a se- ries of pictures in the photo studio with the goggles and toy planes, which were to become key elements in the movie. Those photographs were later also featured on and inside the CD sleeve.
In April we went to the legendary Can-Studio at Deutsches Rock’n Popmuseum Gronau and filmed the scenes with the band. For Sandra it was the first time she went to a music studio. We did not record anything at that session but had a chance to do some rehearsal together. Anna documented it in the photographs reproduced in this book.
Since the original ending of the script with Sandra taking part in a live concert in May was not meant to be, we had to come up with a new ending. So we decided to continue the musical work and went to Fox Music Studios (Germany) in July. This time we not only filmed but actually recor- ded some music. We created vocal overdubs for „Mad World“ as well as „Sad Song“, which was to become Sandra’s debut song.
CD and movie were released in October 2017. The CD cover features the photograph „The bird“, taken about the same time the band did the initial recordings in summer 2016. The DVD cover shows „To half“, which was taken summer 2017 right after the end of the production.
The idea of a picture book was already there at the very first meeting, but it was not before the end of 2017 that we could actually put it all together. In the exclusive box it now contains the whole project. There are no words for me to express the joy, honor and gratitude I feel about creating this project together with Anna and Sandra. So let this project, which by the way is a true Polish-Ger- man cooperation, speak for itself! Share the creativity and good vibes we were to receive in the making of it.”
Karsten Wolff ,Amsterdam, 2014
“Through a Mother’s & Father’s Eyes” - Photo contest & Photo Festival